Saturday, December 29, 2018

I threading I go

It is early in the weekend for New Eves but I am working on doing a python script for threading.  I need one of the esp32s to work on displaying lights but then stop when I tell it to, and then do something else.  So far it looks ok.  I think I put too much on my plate.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Neopixel sign

I have an update.  I have been working on a new neopixel sign to replace my older Halloween radio sign.  The Neopixel sign will be controlled by a esp32 client, which is controlled by a raspberry pi server.  I might be able to get it to display what is actually being played on the radio too.  I guess we will see.  I actually had help in producing the letters etc for the neopixels.  I want to give a shoutout to Clayton Darwin.  He actually has been helping with the code.  I actually didn't want to copy from what he sent, but learn from it.  Mainly because I almost need to make my own to get it work with server.  And plus it has a lot of functions that I really don't need.  But thank you Clayton!! 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Couldn't wait

I decided I couldn't wait for the esp32s that were coming from China to play so I got one from Amazon.  Came on Friday.  As you can see here I am connecting it to a RPI and programming it with Python.  The code that I had for the client that I have been messing with worked great on this little unit.  All I had to do was add a wifi connect code in the python code to get it to connect.  It worked great.  This particular esp32 I am going to connect it to a neopixel array and have it do a light show, with saying "Happy Halloween" and listing how many days until Halloween.  I can't wait.   The neopixels come today and then the power supply comes Monday.