Thursday, October 31, 2019

Slow Halloween

For the 2nd night we were hit by snow.  It really hit our tot numbers hard.  I think we had less than 20 toters. This is how much candy we had left. Normally this is all gone and I normally have to ask someone to run and get more. Oh well.  Let's hope next year is better.

Already been thinking about next year.   I am thinking about our outdoor projector. It will be automatic.  I will post pics later.

So, anyway have a great Halloween everyone!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Snow for Halloween

I wasn't expecting snow for Halloween, but here it is.   This is going to be a pain in the butt come tomorrow.  I took tomorrow off to rope off the yard.  Might be tougher than I think to do that.  Reading other haunters about their snow and they are having more issues than me. SO I guess I can count myself lucky.  Everything is still standing.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

1/2 off at home depot

I had heard that home depot had 1/2 off their Halloween stuff. Well, I was a tad too late. Lot of the stuff was gone. I was able to get this skeleton for 20 buck with tax.  Not sure what I will do with him but I will figure it out.

Already planning for next year. Going to work on a Halloween video player for my projector. It looks like it could be fun. Will fill in the details later.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bye big spider

I have had my big spider for 10 years now. I decided this year would be his last. Maybe another spider for next year. So bye big spider. Thank you for your service.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Putting stuff out in yard

Got a chance to take a video of the updated countdown sign.  I added a few things to what it displays.  Which is kind of cool.  I also have a pic of my Halloween radio station here.  As you can see it is my Raspberry pi and my transmitter.  It does a very good job for what I paid for it.  I don't think a lot of people listen to it.  But I think it is cool nether the less.

Here is the video of the front yard. I just started putting stuff out since it has been raining non-stop.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Good first night

Just starting to get stuff out. My countdown neopixel ran all night without an issue. Should have more out  tomorrow.  Also have my radio transmitter turn with the raspberry pi DJ.  Above is what songs it is playing at any given moment.  This is the info it sent to my phone.