Saturday, January 20, 2018

Eye Progress

Today I went back to working on the eye.  Bought a few parts for the back of the eye. Plywood and j hinges. I got the servo connectors on there and the main L bracket.  I forgot getting the RGB LEDS, so I will have to come back to that.  

Anyway, as I am working on the eye I noticed that the dome of the eye fits right over my bathroom clock.  I might have to see if I can use this as a frame of some sorts for the eye.  It also means I might have to buy another bathroom clock.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Trinket Arrived

I was able to get my Adafruit Trinket and I also got the relay that I ordered  This is for revamping my grim reaper with better animated wings.  As you can see it is fairly small for what it can do.   I also noticed that I ordered the 3.3v version instead of the 5 but it worked with this relay away.  So win win situation.  I can't believe it worked.  I have been tinkering with the software tonight.  I don't think I will have any issues doing what I want it to do.

Here is a little video of what I have done.  Just turns on relays etc.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Found Another Treat Dispenser

I have been looking around for treat dispensers that I feel might help me make mine more interesting.  I think this guy has a winner.  I really love the Super Mario treat dispenser. I don't think mine will be that interesting.  But maybe it will give me a few ideas to add to mine to make it more fun.   You will have to check it out.  I don't know how he got the kids away from it.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Research and buying

This weekend was a little bit more about learning and buying than actually putting things together.  I always find myself thinking about other projects as I am working on one.  Which is good and bad.  Because it takes me longer to get them done.  As I am spreading out with my other projects, I know I have gone to far when things start being brought back to my mancave.  As seen in this photo.  I guess my other lamp shade was in the way and was placed on my walking Dead dvd set.(Sighed of course)

I decided to go again and get the Adafruit trinket.  Which is a Circuitpython device.  You can program it in python and then have it turn things on etc.  The whole idea is to have a linuer actuator turn on and move the wings to a open state.  I thought this would be a good thing to have to have it turn my wings on for my grim reaper.  Which, now that I think about it has to be repaired before I can get the wings going.  I will get to that later.

Some scribbling I was doing for the wings.  I know, I suck at drawing.

So after all the messing around and stuff I was able to mess around with the eye so more. With the help of Gary Fong I was able to the back down for my eye.  Also bought the brass tube and 1/4 inch U Joint.   The brass tube fits around the U joint as he said but the 5/16 bolt seems a little loose.  Kind of worried about that.  I might have to see if I can find something a tad larger.

Friday, January 12, 2018

My old Grim Reaper

Was going across Adafruit website the other day and they were explaining a little bit more about their circuitpython board.  Which really got me thinking.  The Circuitpython board run on python and they have their own GPIO outputs/inputs.  Which I could certainly use.  Anyway, my old grim reaper prop's wings didn't come out as I had hoped.  I tried to make them animated but the weight of the latex really slowed things down.  I am thinking about revamping the wings and have the Circuitpython control the wings going up and down. I think I need not to add latex this time to the wings.  I also need to fix this scythe.  It was damaged by water and really needs a make-over.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Gary Fong Eye

Wanted to mention Gary Fong's eye because it is one of the props that I have been researching that I am using as reference.  His treat dispenser is a little bit different than mine but certainly looks great!  I do like the idea of putting little candy bars and have the servo kick them out which I feel is a good idea.  Check out his eye when you get a chance.

Today I got the 2nd arm for my servos. Now I just have to figure out the rest. To be honest I dont know how I want to go with it.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Frustrated but ok now

I have been working on the eye this weekend.  Even though I thought it was coming along good, I realized it wasn't when I checked it with a light in side.  Because sooner or later I am planning on putting leds in the eye to light it up.  What I didn't notice before was that I can see the cuts on the eye.  For me to place the eye on the plastic, I had to cut the eye in slits in order to get it down since the lamp shade was not a perfect circle.  I had a couple more eye pics printed out so I placed one on the inside so it would be harder to see those lines.  Well, it seemed t work. I might add more too it but for now it seems to fix that issue.

Also this weekend I checked the arm that I got for my servo that my friend made me.  Only one of them works, so I will have to ask for another one the same size.  It seems to fit the servo good.  I needed the extra length to give the servo extra swing to turn the eye.


Programming has being going ok but was having issues running it from a separate computer.   I would just get errors which was getting frustrated.  Well, I found a work around by sending xhost +.  That gave me permission to run the video from the camera from a separate computer. Which I really needed to do.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Servo Arms

One of my concerns has been the length of the servo arms to control the eye. Because the eye is larger, I need a larger servo arm to get more of a swing to turn the eye. Servo Arms can get pricey if you need it larger. Lucky for me a friend from work got a 3d printer.   He has been helping with making the arms.  This will be the 6th and 7th try to get the size right. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The eye

Today I started on the eye.   I decided to experiment on the lamp shade. I really like the way this is looking. All I did was print out an iris and place it on the shade. I think it looks good.