Sunday, January 14, 2018

Research and buying

This weekend was a little bit more about learning and buying than actually putting things together.  I always find myself thinking about other projects as I am working on one.  Which is good and bad.  Because it takes me longer to get them done.  As I am spreading out with my other projects, I know I have gone to far when things start being brought back to my mancave.  As seen in this photo.  I guess my other lamp shade was in the way and was placed on my walking Dead dvd set.(Sighed of course)

I decided to go again and get the Adafruit trinket.  Which is a Circuitpython device.  You can program it in python and then have it turn things on etc.  The whole idea is to have a linuer actuator turn on and move the wings to a open state.  I thought this would be a good thing to have to have it turn my wings on for my grim reaper.  Which, now that I think about it has to be repaired before I can get the wings going.  I will get to that later.

Some scribbling I was doing for the wings.  I know, I suck at drawing.

So after all the messing around and stuff I was able to mess around with the eye so more. With the help of Gary Fong I was able to the back down for my eye.  Also bought the brass tube and 1/4 inch U Joint.   The brass tube fits around the U joint as he said but the 5/16 bolt seems a little loose.  Kind of worried about that.  I might have to see if I can find something a tad larger.

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