Sunday, December 8, 2019

IR Tansmitter

I got my IR Receiver and Transmitter this week and was able to mess with it.  My goal was to get PIGPIO to work in conjunction with getting it to transmit.  I took my remote from my projector and was able to copy the code from the remote.  Then I took my transmitter and sent that same code out to the projector.  It worked like a charm.  Of course I will need to bring that code over to my main video python code, but I like what I am seeing.  Here is a quick video of how it works.  I wanted to be able to send an IR shutoff code to the projector right before the closing of each night so it has enough time to cool down.  Or I could loose a lot of lamps or bulbs.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Quick projector update

Not a whole lot was done of the software for the projector.  But I do now have it so it scans the folders for video files and then plays them in a playlist.  Then continues.  Seems to be working good. I even made a few video files that remind people to listen to my Halloween radio.  It also wishes people happy Halloween etc.  It looks good.  I did order the IR transmitter and receive the other day. I am waiting for that so I can mess with turning on the projector on and off.  Will keep you up today date.

Here is one of them.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Video Project tombstone

I found another haunter that had made a tombstone to cover her projector.  I really like this idea because it might be the cheaper way to go.  Which for me is a way better idea.  But as you can see they used a igloo and painted it up as a tombstone.  I really like this idea.  I really needed  to post these pics so I can go back and review them later.  Thank you kind haunter for thinking this up. Nice idea!!!  I might be using this if I run out of money.  Which will be the case.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Multiple videos Started

I got a chance to work on my Raspberry Pi video player for my projector that will be out in the yard come next Halloween.  I started working on adding videos. Kind of like a playlist.   One of the issues I had to fix was video blinking as I am going from video to video. Looks like that is fixed.  I have been using osxplayer-wrapper. Helps alot controlling each video.  Next I will have add more features and test to see if the looping works.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Rspi projector project

Started my testing of my projector project with my Raspberry pi.  I have been testing a few videos I have, and I must say they were smooth.   Going to start working on a python program to loop a few videos. I will post videos later.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Next year!!!

Starting to research for next year’s Halloween.  I have a few ideas.  One being I would like to bring my Halloween projector outside next year.  I have used Atmosfx video files to accomplish this.  Now I would like to bring this outside, so it isn’t in the way in the house.  Plus, my new puppy has been a pain.  He would take it out in a heartbeat.

One of the first things I was researching was how to protect the projector from the weather outdoors.  I found some haunters using cases to house the projector, even igloo ice chests.  Which is a good idea.    The top pic you see is the case that they used.  They put a piece of plastic on the front in order to the projector to shine without the case being in the way.  Good idea.  Will have to decide which way I go on this. Not sure. I do like the igloo idea.  Very cheap.

One of the main things that I need to research is how to play the videos and make sure the projector turns on and off.   For the projector if you turn on the power, it won’t turn on the projector lamp with just the power applied. Which kind of sucks. The projector must be tuned on by remote or button on projector.  But for the lamp to survive, the projector must be turn off by remote or button so that the fan stays on to cool the lamp.  This would have to be done before power is turned off every night.  Or the lamp would not last as long.  With that mind, I need to make something that will turn on the projector at a certain time and turn it off at a certain time.  The easier way would be to turn on and off the projector by way of ir remote.  I have found that the Raspberry pi can copy a remote and then transmit it.  So, I am planning on going that route.  For playing the Mp4s I am going to do the same thing I did with my Radio station DJ.  But instead of mp3s it will be mp4s. And it will be a lot simpler to write.  I just need to write something alongside it that turns on and off the projector.  Easy?  Not sure.  Will find out.

Lastly, I need to make something that hides the projector.  Like a tombstone etc.  Still thinking about that.  But I also need to think about maybe covering the windows of the house so you will get a better effect.  Oh, and I also need to find some more videos from atmostfx for the wall.  I have a few in mind.  Should be cool.

My Eye guy!

As you probably have noticed I didn’t get my eye guy out in the yard this year.  I had some many issues with it that I decided to put it out in 2020.  The stand needs a little more re-enforcing.   The arms that I built I didn’t care for.  The cage for the head or eye just didn’t make it look convincing.  And I ran out of cheesecloth at the end.  So, I decided not to put him out. But next year he goes out.  During the winter I will be working on him, so he is the first thing done.  Trust me.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Slow Halloween

For the 2nd night we were hit by snow.  It really hit our tot numbers hard.  I think we had less than 20 toters. This is how much candy we had left. Normally this is all gone and I normally have to ask someone to run and get more. Oh well.  Let's hope next year is better.

Already been thinking about next year.   I am thinking about our outdoor projector. It will be automatic.  I will post pics later.

So, anyway have a great Halloween everyone!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Snow for Halloween

I wasn't expecting snow for Halloween, but here it is.   This is going to be a pain in the butt come tomorrow.  I took tomorrow off to rope off the yard.  Might be tougher than I think to do that.  Reading other haunters about their snow and they are having more issues than me. SO I guess I can count myself lucky.  Everything is still standing.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

1/2 off at home depot

I had heard that home depot had 1/2 off their Halloween stuff. Well, I was a tad too late. Lot of the stuff was gone. I was able to get this skeleton for 20 buck with tax.  Not sure what I will do with him but I will figure it out.

Already planning for next year. Going to work on a Halloween video player for my projector. It looks like it could be fun. Will fill in the details later.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bye big spider

I have had my big spider for 10 years now. I decided this year would be his last. Maybe another spider for next year. So bye big spider. Thank you for your service.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Putting stuff out in yard

Got a chance to take a video of the updated countdown sign.  I added a few things to what it displays.  Which is kind of cool.  I also have a pic of my Halloween radio station here.  As you can see it is my Raspberry pi and my transmitter.  It does a very good job for what I paid for it.  I don't think a lot of people listen to it.  But I think it is cool nether the less.

Here is the video of the front yard. I just started putting stuff out since it has been raining non-stop.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Good first night

Just starting to get stuff out. My countdown neopixel ran all night without an issue. Should have more out  tomorrow.  Also have my radio transmitter turn with the raspberry pi DJ.  Above is what songs it is playing at any given moment.  This is the info it sent to my phone.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Final testing of sign

Testing my sign before it goes out in the yard. Been waiting for this day!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Neopixels pert near done.

Today I got the neopixel tombstone sign done. Didnt have the time I needed so it turned into a tombstone instead.   I just need get the esp32 and power supply waterproof and then I am done. But it's good to go.

Halloween City

Took a break today and went to Halloween City. Wasnt too happy with their setup but its Halloween stuff so it cant be all bad.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Got the Sign working. Neopixel.

Over the weekend I got the sign working.   I just need to add a backing to it and it is ready to go.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Trip to Spirit

A local Spirit store opened up and I got take a look. Bought a few heads etc.  They had a nice setup.  Also was working on my eye guy. But not there yet. It isnt coming out like I had hoped.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Setup body

Finally got some parts going to make the body.  I need a few things including more cloth but it's coming along.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The eye

Getting on working on the eye finally.  Need to build up the sides so I can attach the fence.  Then the program needs to be done.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Time to get going

Kind of lazy this weekend but I got a few things going.  Need to beef up my eye guy and get the program wirking.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Face coming along

Starting to get the look I am after.  Took me few trys to get what I needed.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Head for led sign

I got to painting when I got home. Starting to look good. Going to use this guy with my neopixel sign.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Working on groundbreakers

I know its been a while but I am back. Working on the groundbreakers. Painting them up now.  Then build up the bodies. Need to hurry.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Fix it!!!

Well, last week my dog got a hold of my 40 dollar foam head that I got from Midwest Haunters convention.  But I thought I would try to fix the head.  I didn't have a lot of time this weekend to do too much but I just happen to get a can of great stuff and decided to fill in the section that they dog ate.  I am hoping to whittle it down to something that looks cool. Well, that is my goal anyway.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Dog got my prop

Well, bad news for me.  The foam prop head I bought at Midwest haunters convention was attacked by my dog.  Not sure if I can fix it so I can use it or what. But maybe I can.  Oh, well.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Midwest Haunters Convention

Today I got the opportunity to check out Midwest Haunters Convention.  Now in Schaumburg, IL. I was hoping that they had latex but none of the venders had it.  OH, well. I did buy a few thing including a big foam head.  The last photo shows all what I bought.   But I had fun and would probably go again next year.  It certainly isn't as big as Transworld in St. Louis but still fun all the same.


Sunday, June 2, 2019

2nd skull

So I was able to get the first skull done for the groundbreak and now working on the 2nd one.  Not sure yet how I want the bodies done but I might find myself hiding the chest so I don't have a lot of work to finish.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Skull in the Dark

This is what it will look like in the dark. It looks better but doesnt hurt if I add more paint.

Monday, April 1, 2019

New title pic

As you can see I have a new title picture.  This one was from my Planetgravemarker site.  I just added the new text.  I miss my PlanetgraveMarker site but it just wasn't doing well enough to keep.

Sunday, March 31, 2019


Got my groundbreaker painted. Not sure I like it yet.   The odd thing is it looks good in person more so with the picture.  That's weird.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Blooger wasn't allowing me to comment

Its weird that I had not noticed that I couldn't comment on my blogger.  I was able to fix it by going to settings and then setting the comments to pop up.  I guess they want to make sure that you are you, I suppose

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Halloween prop server success

Just a quick note from yesterday's projects.    As I mentioned before, I am working on a prop server that will control all my props.  One of the props, which has dual functions has to have a different client software to work with the server.  I am using threading so that it displays a lighting display, but also listens to the server at the same time for any interrupts. So, if the server has not requested for the neopixel to write out a message, it would just do some random display thing.  I thought it would understand some of the basic python programming but I soon learned that micropython is a bit different.  So I had to change a few things in order to get it to work.  I am happy to say that last night was the first successful trial of it working.  I tested the server with 3 fake clients and the esp32 neopixel client while connected to the neopixels.  After all clients connected to the server, the neopixel client started up with doing my running programming. Which is just the leds ramping up etc.  Nothing exciting.  When the server told the neopixel client to stop and write out text to its neopixels, it did exactly that.  Afterwards, it returned to running the running programming as before.  There are actually 4 or 5 startup programs that the esp32 will pick from.  I only have one running now.  So that will be my next thing I need to do is have the esp32 randomize which startup program it will play, and if the server request for it to write, then it will stop and write out "Happy Halloween" etc.   When finished will continue with the startup programs until the server request for it to display the message again.

Video kinda of gives you an idea of what the running program does.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Working on Neopixel extras

In my last week video I showed where I have it so the neopixel sign will read out what I have stored on the esp32.   Of course the goal being that the server will send that data to the esp32 to print out.  What I did this week was start working on showing things on the neopixel array when the server doesn't ask it to print out a message.  I guess you could call them splash screen or idle screen.  The goal here would be to have the nexpixel display something on the screen for the user to watch etc before they actually get a message.  I have the video here and I have of course cut it down.  Some of the images I admit need to be worked on.  The image of the spider, bat, pumpkin face, etc need to be worked on.  Its all a work in progress I suppose.  I can work on that later.  Next, I need to get it working with the server.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Neopixel Halloween sign cont

I got the neopixels set on the board now. At least now you can see what it is saying.

Midwest Haunters Convention

Finally Midwest Haunters Convention is coming to ILL.  I decided to go.   I have been to Transworld many times when it started in Chicago. Even went to Vegas and St. Louis.   I have even been to Ironstock in Kentucky.  This is going to be the first time for Midwest Haunters.  I can't wait.  I will post pics.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Neopixel board

I was sick this weekend but I did get a few things done.  I got a 2x2 piece of plywood and placed my neopixels on it.  I guess my plan is to make this like a tomb or crypt and have it sit out front while it is scrolling what I need it to say.  I am not 100% sure how this is going to go but I think this should be a good start.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Neopixel sign coming along.

I finally go my Halloween sign working on my esp32.  Its hard to tell by this video because the pixels are spread out too far but it says Halloween.   This esp32 will be a client to my Halloween server.  So it will make all these pretty images etc and then when the server tells it, it will print out Happy Halloween or show how many days until Halloween.  I am glad it is finally working.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Skulls getting better

Face is getting better. At one point it look like a horse.  But it still needs something.