Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Next year!!!

Starting to research for next year’s Halloween.  I have a few ideas.  One being I would like to bring my Halloween projector outside next year.  I have used Atmosfx video files to accomplish this.  Now I would like to bring this outside, so it isn’t in the way in the house.  Plus, my new puppy has been a pain.  He would take it out in a heartbeat.

One of the first things I was researching was how to protect the projector from the weather outdoors.  I found some haunters using cases to house the projector, even igloo ice chests.  Which is a good idea.    The top pic you see is the case that they used.  They put a piece of plastic on the front in order to the projector to shine without the case being in the way.  Good idea.  Will have to decide which way I go on this. Not sure. I do like the igloo idea.  Very cheap.

One of the main things that I need to research is how to play the videos and make sure the projector turns on and off.   For the projector if you turn on the power, it won’t turn on the projector lamp with just the power applied. Which kind of sucks. The projector must be tuned on by remote or button on projector.  But for the lamp to survive, the projector must be turn off by remote or button so that the fan stays on to cool the lamp.  This would have to be done before power is turned off every night.  Or the lamp would not last as long.  With that mind, I need to make something that will turn on the projector at a certain time and turn it off at a certain time.  The easier way would be to turn on and off the projector by way of ir remote.  I have found that the Raspberry pi can copy a remote and then transmit it.  So, I am planning on going that route.  For playing the Mp4s I am going to do the same thing I did with my Radio station DJ.  But instead of mp3s it will be mp4s. And it will be a lot simpler to write.  I just need to write something alongside it that turns on and off the projector.  Easy?  Not sure.  Will find out.

Lastly, I need to make something that hides the projector.  Like a tombstone etc.  Still thinking about that.  But I also need to think about maybe covering the windows of the house so you will get a better effect.  Oh, and I also need to find some more videos from atmostfx for the wall.  I have a few in mind.  Should be cool.

My Eye guy!

As you probably have noticed I didn’t get my eye guy out in the yard this year.  I had some many issues with it that I decided to put it out in 2020.  The stand needs a little more re-enforcing.   The arms that I built I didn’t care for.  The cage for the head or eye just didn’t make it look convincing.  And I ran out of cheesecloth at the end.  So, I decided not to put him out. But next year he goes out.  During the winter I will be working on him, so he is the first thing done.  Trust me.

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