Back between 2008 and 2011 I was trying to produce some Halloween website to pass the time. My goal was to produce something cool for the Halloween community to use, and in the process learn PHP for website design. The Halloween community wasn't as receptive as I hoped but I still had a good time making the two websites. One was called Hauntseeker and the other was called Planetgravemarker. Hauntseeker was made to help people find people's haunts. Planetgravemarker was made to help haunters find suppliers, how-tos, or anything to help do a haunt. It was basically a haunted link page. Anyway, I really sucked at graphic design, and I needed help with the graphics. A lot of places I checked to make graphics was costly. I really didn't want to spend a lot of money knowing the website might not last. Which I was right. But I found someone who was good and didn't cost a lot of money to produce. His name was Gary Becks. He had his own comics and alot of other stuff. I asked him to produce me two characters for the two websites. The first character was Hauntman, that you can see below. There was actually a map where the white box was, and it showed all the locations for the haunts. The second one he produced was Hauntwoman, which you can see on the top of this blog page. Sadly, Gary is no longer with us. I wanted to stop and thank him for all he did for me. I wish I had 1/10 of the artistry he had. Thank you Gary!!!! Rest in peace.
Below is an archived image of my website
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