Friday, December 15, 2017

Face Detection

I am working on a new project to add on to my Treat Dispenser.  I thinking of taking my new Raspberry PI and have it do face detection on the TOTers, so when kids come out a pair of eyes will scope them out.  I think I can do it.  Been already buying thinking to start building.    I need a pair of large eyes so I bought some lamp domes.  Cost me 5 bucks a piece.  Not bad.  Here is what it looks like.  I just need to paint them to look like eyes.  Also just bought some servos to move the eyes.  I have a lot of ideas.  It time they come out.


I found a person on line that made something that I am looking do.  His eye  notices if someone comes up to the door but it can't lock on to someone when they come up. And that is what I want to do.  If there are multiple toters then it will switch and lock on to someone else.

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